Saturday 10 June 2023

The Seeker's Fall


Writer - Jenna Helland
Story - Jenna Helland, Brady Dommermuth and Doug Beyer
Illustrators - Trevor Hairsine, Dan Scott and Aleksi Briclot
Letterer - Jino Choi
Art Director - Jeremy Jarvis
Based on characters by Brady Dommermuth and Aleksi Briclot
Released January/February 2009

It can be found here.

Part one: Tezzeret, as a poor kid who was allowed in the academy of the Seekers of Carmot because he showed promise, looses a duel against fellow student Silas Renn on examination day. A teacher wants to kick him out of the academy, but Tezzeret kills said teacher instead.

Part two: Tezz is a Seeker now, but he's still looked down upon for coming from the Tidehollow ghetto. He fights his way into the Seeker's inner sanctum to learn the secret of creating etherium, only to discover it's all a scam. He's caught and stabbed, but his spark flares and he ends up on Grixis.

Part three: Eh... he fights through a bunch of Grixis monsters before finally running into Nicol Bolas, who tells Tezz to kneel as his servant.

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Timeline Comparisons, part 1

Something happening at different times on different timelines!? Oh no!

For a long time now I've thought about making my timeline a bit more legible. Maybe something with a few different columns, to make it so the Weatherlight Saga can sit in one without being interrupted by, say, the backstory of Benalia. Or perhaps just to have one column for definite dates and one for vague "approximately several centuries before..." references. But before doing such a big overhaul I want to make sure it's as complete as I can make it. Having crossed the Mending seems like a good opportunity to finish up the pre-Future Sight part (at least until we're getting another Brothers' War style flashback story of course). So I've put my timeline next to the one on the MTG Wiki (and the Sourced version on the same wiki, which is slightly different) and gone over all the differences to see what I've missed. In the proces I'll also adres a few discrepancies between our versions. Turns out there is quite a bit too talk about, so this will be the first in a series of articles. Let's start with...

I've been quite thorough in my coverage of pre-Mending stories, so this article mostly just covers flashback stories that I haven't gotten to yet. The only pre-Mending things that made me go "Oh, right, I've missed that" were "The Mirari's mutating waves spread across Otaria" and "Thousands of Dominarians immigrate to Otaria." My blog covers the Magic stories rather than the sets, but with Onslaught block we had the bizarre situation that the cards told a completely different story than the novels. This stuff, as well as the Riptide Project dooming itself by reviving the slivers should probably be represented somewhere.

While covering the Alara Savor the Flavor articles we've already run into some more stuff that wasn't in any of the stories, like Progenitus waking up, and there's only going to be more of that in the future, so maybe my overhauled timeline should also display when all sets happen in general.

Sunday 4 June 2023

Conflux Online


As is usual at this point our first introduction to the new set comes through a mini site (split up in The Shards CollideSowing Fear, Reaping War & Claws of an Ancient Evil) and a feature article (Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker). These tell us that the shards are converging, though that can't have come as that great a surprise after the Planeswalker's Guide hinted at it... and we already knew the name of the next set was "Conflux".

A bigger reveal is that Nicol Bolas has been fermenting war all along. Some stuff he's been doing we knew, just not that he was behind it (He's the bigger power behind Malfegor and the Seekers of Carmot that the Planeswalker's Guide hinted at, and got Marisi to break the Coil), other stuff is entirely new (as we are introduced to Rakka Mar & Gwafa Hazid). It also sets up his motivation of wanting to get his powers back after the Mending, though the various Alara-era sources are a bit ambiguous if his plan would bring him back to old school planeswalker levels, merely stop him from deteriorating further, or something in between.

Also, I've been made aware that there actually was a hint about the Skyward Eye being evil before Conflux... it was just in the flavor text! Which makes it extra strange nothing about that made it into the Planeswalker's Guide!

It feels a bit odd to just be told all this, especially compared to the last time Nicol Bolas was revealed as the big bad, which came as the stinger of the second novel in a trilogy, but I guess that if you don't build things up too much the reveal can't be a let down either. We should also remember that although I reviewed it earlier, Agents of Artifice, which showed Bolas hanging around on Grixis, was released alongside Conflux, making his reveal on the mini-site more of a "Hey, this character you never expected to see again is back!", rather than a lackluster way off paying of a long hinted at return. While people at the time were certainly complaining about only getting one book for a block rather than one per set, we shouldn't compare these articles to something like the Theros: Beyond Death story being summarized in one article.