Saturday 10 July 2021

Ravnica & Coldsnap Announcement!

Today I'm reviewing moving house during a lockdown. 

It sucks. Don't do it.

You can't have many people over to help, so you'll end up spending an entire month on it full-time. Especially since the amount of people allowed will get altered by the government several times during that month, requiring you to alter your plans time and again. It sucks extra hard if in the last week of that month, right before everything has to be finished up, there's a code red weather warning due to a snowstorm. Oh, and hardware and furniture stores are either closed or have limited assortiment, so you'll be living in an unfinished house doing all sorts of chores for a long time after you've moved. It'll completely derail all your plans to, say, write some book reviews. Do not recommend!

Luckily, between all that nonsense, I did find time to take a look at all the Ravnica stories, and by now I've finally finished the reviews! So... announcement time!

Ravnica dials back the amount of sources a bit from Kamigawa. No maps, nothing of note in the player's guides, and far fewer online stories (initially none at all, but a few more pop up for the later sets). We do have a few more online articles to look at, thanks to the launch of the Taste the Flavor series at the tail-end of Kamigawa block, and while all three novels are written by Cory Herndon, they are much more stand alone than the previous trilogy was, so each of them warrants their own review, rather than a mere summary followed by a combined review. So starting next Saturday there'll be six weeks of Ravnica content; 3 novel reviews alternated with 3 reviews of the online articles & short stories.

And then, as a little bonus, I'll immediately go on with two more reviews. You see, Coldsnap was released while was still doing its Dissenssion coverage, so to make sure I had everything relating to Ravnica I had to go through all Coldsnap articles as well. I figured I might as well take a look at that set as well, in the form of 1 article covering the online stuff, and 1 covering the short story and lore summary in the player's guide.

I hope you all understand I needed to get that little rant at the beginning of my chest, and you will join me next week for our first look at Magic's most popular plane!


  1. Glad to see you are back! Awesome content as always

  2. Glad you're still around! Looking forward to reading your Ravnica reviews, very exciting time in the publishing history of the game!
